Change Formatting Of Footnotes In Word For Mac

• Highlight all of the text and choose Table > Convert > Text to Table • In the Table Options window, under Separate Text At, choose Paragraph. Under Options, uncheck Border. The footnotes are arranged in a table with invisible borders. • Highlight all text again and on the Table toolbar click the Sort button. Note: if you do not see the table toolbar you can open it by clicking View > Toolbars > Table. • In the Sort options window click the check box for Key 1 and select Alphanumeric in the Key Type drop-down box.

Ken P.S.: A forum question: I wanted to change my username 'billquinn' to my real name. 'billquinn' is just a pen name I use on one of my Web site. I couldn't find a place to do that on my profile.

2004 for Mac? Word 2008 for Mac? I never experienced crashes when modifying footnotes in Word 2004 -- they all began with Word 2008. And no, I don't share these documents, and I don't track changes, either. Footnotes are used to reference text in your document. Footnotes appear at the bottom of the page, while endnotes are located at the end of a document. These are used to annotate text in your document and explain that text. You can use footnotes to give a reference, explain a.

But then I'll have to remember forever exactly how to do that in the Word F&R dialog. If we get it scripted, then every time I look at my script menu I'll see that I have this. And It's a one-step operation, whereas the F&R dialog is about 14 steps each time.. Okay for solving a single occurrence of a problem, but not for multiple occasions. No rush on this.

Why, then, use method (1) when this is so much quicker with typing the manuscript? But I have three questions.

The purpose of these steps is to try to remove any confusion that Word may be experiencing and cause it to renumber all the footnotes. If this approach doesn't work, try just a bit of a different approach: • Press Ctrl+H to display the Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog box. • Click the More button, if it is available. • Make sure the Use Wildcards radio button is cleared. • With the insertion point in the Find What box, click No Formatting and enter the following: ^f • In the Replace With box enter the following: ^& • Click Replace All.

Footnotes appear at the bottom of the page beneath a short horizontal line. Each time you add a footnote on this page, another number will be added to the list. Once you’ve added your footnotes, you can hover your cursor over each sentence’s reference marker to see a preview of the footnote within the text. You can also quickly tab between footnotes in both the main text and the footnote list at the bottom of the page by clicking the “Next Footnote” button in the navigation bar. Or, click the dropdown menu arrow on the “Next Footnote” button to select a different navigation option.

But if your document contains a large number of unresolved tracked changes, then you will get crashes editing almost anything, including footnotes. Resolve the changes and the crashes will go away. Add the footnotes to the document after you have completed and revised the text, and the crashes may not happen at all. Tracked changes increase the internal complexity of a document by an order of magnitude. At some point, every application that supports change tracking will fall over if you have too many. I think it is reasonable to suggest that the technique I suggested 'seems' far too time-consuming to you because you have not tried it yet.

0 values for above/below, single spaced all of them. EDIT: New development? I seem to have gotten one footnote's content to get outside of those boxes. Not sure what that means. Attachments footnotewateven.png (6.51 KiB) Viewed 6683 times. Put your cursor in one 'bad' footnote and then look at /Format /Paragraph. Check the before/after spacing there.

However, the circumstances are a little different now. For example, there are no Hebrew words in SBL Hebrew font in the footnotes (at least not in this chapter!); everything is in Liberation Sans. However, many of these 107 footnotes do have 'manual formatting' within the footnote. These include the title of a book within the footnote because I have to put that title (but only that title) in italics.

Word automatically creates common fractions such as 1/2, but how do I turn say turn 5/6 in to a fraction when I'm typing in Word? I need to write up a fraction work sheet for some primary school students and my fractions need to look like fractions. I'm sure there is an easy way of doing this, so if anyone knows it and can pass it on that would be fantastic. I have a project to do for a client and they require the standard Courier font 12. On my Microsoft Word it doesnt show up, only Courier New, etc. I have gone to Font folder and it shows up in there so I clicked on install new font and did that okay, but it wont show up in Word when I try to type the document.

> Did you download the Word 2004 Reference and look at the sample script on p156? That's the one that helps with formatting. I'm fairly sure that it would replace or be incorporated into last section of the Replace Everywhere script that begins 'on ReplaceInRange(findText, replaceText, theRange)', but I didn't get very far with Replace Everywhere page, because I didn't quite understand it. This is as far as I got revising the sample script from the Word 2004 reference--this example replaces italic with underline. But as is, it only runs on the main text range of the active document, no notes or header/footers: tell application 'Microsoft Word' set myFind to find object of text object of active document clear formatting myFind set italic of font object of myFind to true set content of myFind to ' clear formatting replacement of myFind set italic of font object of replacement of myFind to false set underline of font object of replacement of myFind to true set content of replacement of myFind to ' execute find myFind replace replace all end tell CyberTaz 6/4/2008, 13:24 น.

You can also choose from other options; for example, to italicise the text, or underline it – all the usual formatting stuff, which works just as it does elsewhere in Word. Make your changes, click OK, OK again, and they'll be implemented. If you want to modify the footnote reference (superscript) number itself, then select that (in the body of the text) and it will automatically be picked out by Word when you open the Styles box (Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S), and then click the third icon from the left which is Manage Styles, the same as the process above. Again, you then click Modify, although in this case you'll need to click the bottom left button, Format, which produces a dropdown menu, and select Font to change the font.

Change Formatting Of Footnotes In Word For Mac

Over time I hope to learn much more, By the way, I didn't see the Automator F&R to which you referred a few posts back -- not in the cluster that came with Office 2008, anyhow. (And I have the Special Media Edition.) 6/4/2008, 14:25 น. I'll see what can be done.

If you choose the latter option, Word places your footnotes immediately after the main body of text instead of at the bottom of the page. To change the default location of endnotes, select the “Endnotes” option, and then open the dropdown menu to its right. There, you can change endnote placement to the end of the current section or the end of the document. Convert Footnotes to Endnotes (and Vice Versa) Another option is to convert all of your footnotes to endnotes or vice versa. Instead of changing each one individually, this option lets you change them all at once. If you’re working on a document with a lot of notes, this option can come in handy. Under the “Location” section of the Footnote and Endnote menu, click the “Convert” button.

Macbook pro i5. In Word 2008, click Options., and then click Convert. • Select from one of the following options: • Convert all footnotes to endnotes • Convert all endnotes to footnotes • Swap footnotes and endnotes • Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.

As part of my series on and endnotes, here’s how to change your footnote and endnote numbering styles on the go (e.g. While editing someone’s work, or when you change your mind, or when you’re working to a particular journal’s style and need to amend something you’ve already written) in Word 2007, Word 2010 and Word 2013. Why would I want to change my footnote or endnote numbering style? The main reason to change your footnote or endnote numbering style is because of the style guide of whatever you’re writing the document for. For example, academic journals will usually have some form of Guidelines for Authors which will lay out (sometimes) the font, heading styles, reference styles and footnote styles that you are expected to use. If you’re re-using an article which has been rejected by another journal, or repurposing a chapter of your PhD, you might find that the style for one journal is different from what you’ve done previously.

Whether you use Microsoft Word for personal or professional writing, sometimes you may want to add supplemental notes to sections of your work. Maybe you want to make a side comment on one of your arguments, or you need to cite another author’s work without distracting from the main text. Luckily, Word has useful tools for adding footnotes and endnotes to your writing. Note: We’re using Microsoft Word 2016, but Word has supported footnotes and endnotes since at least Word 2007. Depending on you’re using, the menus we walk through in this guide may look a little different. But don’t worry—the features and functions are the same. What Are Footnotes and Endnotes?

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Selected the font of my document and Underline>Words only. Got a message underneath that field indicating my choice. Clicked Okay. Clicked into the Replace field. Clicked on No Formatting (bottom left) to gray that out. Selected the font of my document and Italic only.

You can choose to go to the previous footnote or navigate to the next or previous endnote. The steps for inserting endnotes are essentially the same.

It does not run on headers/footers or footnotes/endnotes, text boxes, etc. Making a Find and Replace run on all ranges is discussed here. Free feel to post results/sample scripts back to the archives here for the edification of all, if you do decide you need a script. Daiya Mitchell 6/4/2008, 10:02 น. Well, in addition to a slight modification to your procedure I suspect there could be either or both of 2 other factors involved: Since these are evidently 'older' docs it's possible that the font may be a little different (even though the name may be the same) and/or that the underlining may be coded somewhat differently than you think. Both should be overcome if you try it this way [based on your earlier post of wanting to replace single underlining with italic]; 1- When you go to F&R you're already in the Find What field so empty it of any content & just click the No Formatting button to get a 'clean' start. Then click Format> Font, select the type of underlining (single or Words Only) from the Underline Style list but make no other changes, OK.

How To Write Footnotes

Choose Ascending under Order and click OK. Your footnotes will be sorted alphabetically. • Once again, highlight all the text in the table • Choose Table > Convert > Table to Text and select Paragraph under Separate Text At. This removes the table and keeps your listed information intact.

(The font itself is Liberation Sans, and I want to keep that the same.) The result is that only about 2/3 of the footnotes were actually put in the new font size. A few of the footnotes even became mixed--some words of the footnote changed size, but the remaining did not. Is this a known bug? Is there an alternate method to do this that works?

Formatting Footnotes In Word

You'll have to re-create any character level formatting. Thanks, acknak. I had written a response to Zizi64 and clicked submit, but your post was displayed instead!

Edit A Footnote In Word

You should include the version you are referencing. Citing online sources Generally, follow the same principals of footnotes to cite online sources.

I did find this if that helps, but it seems weirdly complex! I am trying to prepare a scientific paper for publication and I need to switch endnote numbering from lower case Roman to Arabic numerals. [Mac] The problem is – there is NO ‘Reference’ tab!! The tabs are: Home, Layout, Document Elements, Tables, Charts, SmartArt, and Review. The menus at the top of the screen are File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Font, Tools, Table, Window, a script icon, and Help. I looked under all these [except Help, which I know from experience is nearly useless] and found no tool for this problem. This version of Word, according to the ‘About Word’ menu item, is version 14.1.0 of Microsoft Word for Mac 2011.

Word 2008 for Mac? Word 2004 for the past few years and Leopard and earlier; and Word 2001 and OS 9 and earlier.

• To convert a footnote to an endnote, right-click the footnote’s text at the bottom of the page. Choose the command Convert to Endnote. Likewise, you can convert endnotes to footnotes by right-clicking the endnote text and choosing the command Convert to Footnote. • For additional control over footnotes and endnotes, click the dialog box launcher button in the Footnotes group.