Hanging Indent Word For Mac 2011

Use a hanging indent in a document when you want to keep the first line of a paragraph aligned with the left margin while subsequent lines in the paragraph are indented in from the left margin. In Microsoft Word for Mac computers, the Paragraph dialog box is used to add and adjust hanging indents. For Word 2011 on the Mac, there isn't this 'set left and first indent' option but there is a 'Format beginning of list item exactly like the one before it' option. It was already checked but I un-checked, exited, then re-checked it.

Dec 21, 2017  Hanging Indentation Bug - Word (Mac) Word Version 15.52 On previous versions, I was able to get a hanging indentation by right clicking on the line above where I wanted the indentation to start > paragraph > and in the indentation section > clicking on the special drop down menu > select hanging > then clicking ok. Jan 11, 2011 12:46 PM in response to leeanne In response to leeanne Sometimes the instructions can be confusing. To create a hanging indent you first have to move the whole indent marker (triangle & the little bar on top of it) to where you want the second & later lines then move the little bar to the left.

You can devise an experiment to test this and report back. It's not hard, I just haven't ever done it. > But after I did that it is now appearing in all my new docs so it must > be in my Normal Template.

We are there. And I just got back from a walk in a little > snow and ice. Refreshed I'm ready.

Now, keep the text highlighted and then follow the instructions for hanging indent. You will probably need to change the font style and size and add back in italics and that kind of thing. The next time you bring over text, use the Paste button at the top left in the clipboard section. Click on the arrow at the bottom of the clipboard Paste icon. You will see 3 options to paste.

Having a block. > > Which is why I recommend that you set up List Styles correctly. It takes > five minutes longer (OK then, 15 minutes longer.) but you have to do it > only once in your lifetime. If you don't do it, you will waste half an hour > fixing the numbering in each document you get, for the rest of your lifetime >:-) Ahhh. Now I understand the rationale for your recommendation in the prior email (your chapter;) ). So I will have a Norm List Style for each level and it is not dependent on normal or bt?

• No indent on the first line of each entry. If an entry runs more than one line, indent the subsequent line or lines 1/2 inch from the left margin. • Alphabetize entries in your list of works cited by the author’s last name, using the letter-by-letter system. • Immediately after typing the final line of your paper, click on Insert => Break => Page Break (to begin a new page). Your header with your last name and automatic page numbering should appear at the top left of your paper. • Click on the align center icon so that the text is centered. • Type Works Cited (do not underline, boldface, italicize, or enclose the title in quotation marks).

Special Select First line to indent the first line of a paragraph, and then specify the size of the indent in By. Select Hanging to create a hanging indent, and then specify the size of the indent in By. Automatically adjust When you select Automatically adjust right indent when document grid is defined, the right indent is automatically adjusted for the paragraph when a document grid is defined. Spacing Before Adjusts the amount of space before a paragraph.

This will indent the paragraph except for the first line thereby creating the hanging indent. • Tell us some more • Upload in Progress • Upload failed. Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels • We are experiencing some problems, please try again.

This is YOUR document, not a sacred text. Hit it with a meat-axe. Remember 'Bend Word to YOUR will.'

You would never want to: having a paragraph that is both bulleted and numbered is a logical and conceptual absurdity. But if you ever tried, Word would not let you.

I applied NN to a paragraph. Created several numbered paragraphs.:-) Then I used by chance 2 returns and I was back to Normal Style. I finished that paragraph and then created another paragraph while still in Normal (I know I need to use a bt style:-( ).

My user comes to me and says whenever she types a reply or a new email it shows up 'really tiny' I look: She has gone into Tools/Options/Mail Format/Stationary and Fonts/Fonts and changed her font to a 14 point comic sans. She was right! Little bitty 14 point comic sans message (Normal+14 Style) followed by a Massively bigger 14 point comic sans signature (Signature Style).. So unknowingly, I went in on my computer's Outlook 2003 (all patched and updated etc) and changed one of my 'fonts' ('W.

I'll > cobble one together but me thinks one is floating around laughing at me. Yes, there are examples in every blank Word document. I just don't want you to use them because they are set up 'wrongly'. > BTW, after I formatted with Bullets and Numbering, I tried to delete the > entire list. However, Word gives an alert at the last one and won't let > me.

J., Williams, R. B., Traviss, M. P., Shimabukuro, G.,.. Handbook of research on Catholic education. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

I just read again your ending and you say most > users use the paragraph style not the List Style). If you use the 'Add to template' checkbox, the entire style table is copied to the template in a single operation, including both the paragraph style and the list style. If you use Organiser, you must remember to copy the paragraph style first and then the List style. If you do it the wrong way round, potentially you will break the links to the paragraph styles and end up with a List Style that does not have its paragraph styles defined.

And why does 'list number' now appear in the Preview > as well as the number? It does what I said: It associates each level of the list style with a paragraph style. In this case, we have only one level, so we need only one style.

There's none so deaf as those who will not hear. Since 1997, we have complained pungently and in detail about this mechanism. The poor man who used to be in charge of this mechanism even knew how to spell my name, he heard it so frequently.

Digidesign mbox 2 software installer. If one of the paragraph styles has been defined into a list style, you are likely to get a corrupt list. Which will lead to a corrupt document. Power charger for macbook pro 13 inch. >> There are 256 paragraphs in your document.

Video podcast de la Cruz, B. Growing up bi-racial [Video podcast]. Retrieved from 5.

For some reason the value field now is being left blank - IOW, no default value is automatically entered, so you have to enter one yourself. When this change took place I'm not sure. Frankly, I believe it to be a bug, so I'd suggest that you use the ☺︎ at the right end of the Word Ribbon to submit feedback on the behavior. I'll follow up on this end as well. Please mark HELPFUL or ANSWERED as appropriate to keep list as clean as possible ☺ Regards, Bob J.

Use the Tab key on every next new paragraphs. Your completed setting should look like this: How to Setup the Works Cited Page: Follow this how-to when you are ready to work on your Works Cited page. The Works Cited page has the following characteristics: • A heading “Works Cited” centered one inch below the top edge of a new page. Do not bold or underline this heading.

You have completed defining your List Style, Now, we need to associate your Paragraph Style with that. At the bottom left of the dialog is a small blue disclosure triangle that they forgot to put a label on. Click it, and it will reveal the rest of the 'works' for you. The 'Link level to style' box associates each level of the List Style with its Paragraph Style. Since we have only one level in this List Style, we need do only one: set that box to 'List Number'.

You will get two dialog boxes. The top one is for changing the font. Look for the button (should be to the far right) that says Styles, with a capitalized A and a paint brush. Click that, and a new box will appear. Choose the Clear formatting option, towards the bottom of the list.

Is there a different way (or > > in my case, a way;) ) of thinking about that? > > There 'is no indent on the first line'. The indent applies only to the > subsequent lines.

I then applied MS's 'List Continue' style to a middle paragraph. Result was the same; 13 numbered paragraphs numbered 1-13 with a List Continue in the middle.

John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer, McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd Sydney, Australia. Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 +61 4 1209 1410, mailto:john@mcghie.name. Hi John: In article, John McGhie wrote: > Well.

I'll read on and > keep trying. 'Apply a different style'. There are two ways, but that is the simplest. List Number should match the indents of Body Text.

Always create List Styles yourself, so you know what they're > called! So if I have a document and decide to number several paragraphs to make emphasize some points, will Word create a list style even though I've not changed the style? > > Before you can create a List Style, you must have a paragraph style for each > level in the list. For paragraph numbering, often there is only one level.

In 2008 I use option 2 (because 2008 is macro-deficient). Cheers On 12/01/10 6:12 AM, in article gpqdnTtYItW65dbWnZ2dnUVZ_s9i4p2d@speakeasy.net, 'Norm' wrote: > Hi John: > > In article, > John McGhie wrote: > >> There can be an unlimited number of 'Single-Level' lists in the document.

Usually, it is not; but if you want to use Heading Numbering in > the document, we need to add a list style to the Headings collection. > > Let's assume we HAVE added a 'HeadingsList' style to the document, and > associated paragraph styles Heading 1 through to Heading 9 with that > HeadingList style. Lost me there. Just not enough mileage on my limited grey matter with styles. I'll catch up though. I've got a good and patient, so far;), prof.

In it, you will see a grey number and the separator character (either a right parenthesis ) or a period). The number is a placeholder that shows you where the generated number will occur in the format, and it is grey to show you that it's generated, not text. I will take this opportunity to show you one of the big secrets of this dialog: you can't find this documented ANYWHERE:-) Remember I said you can have nine levels? Well, which one are we looking at?

Then click the Manage Styles button. In the dialog box, click the Import/Export button. Word displays the Organizer dialog box.

It went to 'List Paragraph' and a icon with a lightening bolt next to it. Would appreciate your assessment?

> 5) Finally, you applied List Number to some paragraphs, > 6) which added those paragraphs as members of the list 'norm numbering' > 7) and applied the formatting of both the List and Paragraph styles to > them. Bingo.:-) > >> * NEVER change the numbering properties of just a few paragraphs. Doing > >> so > >> breaks the list, and doing it twice will probably break the document.

> > I've changed my mind: it's TOTALLY obscure. I agree!!!!!! Snip > No: You changed the Paragraph Style named List Number.

> > And if one did not associate my NN at this point in defining it with > Paragraph Style what would happen? You get paragraphs that are members of the list but have different paragraph styles. Not technically a problem, unless one of those paragraph styles HAS been defined into a List Style.

The box below is labelled 'Follow number with'. That should have automatically set itself to 'Tab character' when we defined a tab position in 'Add tab at'.

Word Hanging Indent Mla

You don't get to see the fine print until AFTER you have given me all your money:-) > So. If one has 4 List Styles and each one has 5 levels, one must have > 20 List Paragraph Styles. Yes, if you are using paragraph styles in your list styles (which all sane people would.) then you will need 20 paragraph styles, one for each level of each list style.

PLEASE don't expect yourself to get all of this in one sitting: this is the most complex part of Word there is: it took me months to understand all of this stuff. It does NOT help that Microsoft tried to hide all this complexity from users, so we spend months stumbling around in the dark, navigating by feel. It's like trying to work out what is in a cellar with the lights turned out: you crack your shins a lot. So: To set up ANY kind of numbering, Word must first have a List Style. If you don't create it, Word will create it for you. Which is a real pain, because Word hides the List Styles that it creates from you, so if you allow this to happen, you will get very sore shins because the lights will never come on!

> > It was mid-day, the walk was better. But the pub is close. Obviously: You keep disappearing down there whenever I am trying to find you! On to YOUR next chapter.:-) -- The email below is my business email -- Please do not email me about forum matters unless I ask you to; or unless you intend to pay! John McGhie, Microsoft MVP (Word, Mac Word), Consultant Technical Writer, McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd Sydney, Australia. Ph: +61 (0)4 1209 1410 +61 4 1209 1410, mailto:john@mcghie.name. Hi Norm: On 10/12/09 9:50 AM, in article aqWdnXP3UJA0tL3WnZ2dnUVZ_v-dnZ2d@speakeasy.net, 'Norm' wrote: >> The paragraph styles you use in a list must NOT be used for anything >> else in this document.

This is where you do that. I 'think this is getting through the challenged skull'. That's very helpful. > Back to the bus: The passenger has the 'ability' to sit in a seat, on any > bus, but their desire to 'get home' will not be met unless they sit in a > seat on the 348 bus. So we need a ticket that enables that passenger to sit > in a seat on that bus, otherwise we do not know where the passenger will end > up.

• If the authors of a source are not part of the formal structure of the sentence, both the authors and years of publication appear in parentheses, separated by semicolons: Subsequent research supports these results (Brown & Greene, 2006; Hamilton, 2008). • The same general rules regarding author(s) and date(s) apply to electronic sources cited within your paper. For a source without an identified author, use the first few words of the title to document the source within the text, followed by the date of publication, if given.

>> For stable, reliable, maintainable numbering in the modern versions of Word, >> I recommend: >> >> * Always create a list style for each kind of bullet or numbering. > > That's my norm numbering? >> * Always associate a paragraph style with each of the levels of the List >> Style you are going to use.